On arrival at the farm, you will complete all the necessary documents and have a full brief before being allocated to work.
DO NOT FORGET TO BRING the following documents with you.
– Passport
– National Identity card
– Driving licence

Facility Charges
A launderette is provided with washing machines and dryers.
This is coin operated and you pay for each time you use a machine.
If you fall ill or suffer an accident, you must report this to the Campsite Manager or a field assistant and trained first-aiders will administer first aid treatment or seek medical attention as appropriate.
For food hygiene and health and safety reasons workers cannot work with a contagious condition.
Arrangements will be made to register and take you to the local GP’s surgery if required. This also includes dental treatment.

Heath & Safety
Your health and safety start with yourself and you have an obligation to take all reasonable steps to safeguard both yourself and all others on the farm.
However, we accept responsibility for providing safe systems, a safe workforce and a workplace that is safe to work in and will take every precaution to provide a safe environment in which to work.
Deliberate actions that result in risk to yourself and others will not be tolerated and appropriate action will be taken and, failure to report danger, or continued use of a dangerous process, will be judged as gross misconduct and may result in your instant dismissal.
You will be required to read the Farm Health and Safety Declaration. This is always posted on the campsite notice board and must always adhere to its content.
On arrival you will be given induction training that will cover all aspects of health and safety and fire regulations.
There will be certain tasks that you will be banned from doing unless you received specialist training and have the express permission of the management to do them.
We will provide you with all safety equipment where necessary and this must be worn at all times. You must follow and adhere to all farm signage and rules.
It is very important to us to keep our workers happy and safe whilst staying here.
All personal possessions will be kept in your shared mobile home. We suggest that you do not bring items of high value with you, as we cannot accept responsibility for lost or stolen items.
Discipline must be maintained within our large workforce at all times and we reserve the right to dismiss any employee who is guilty of serious misconduct or who fails to adhere to our rules and procedures.